Thursday, May 14, 2009

The voice behind the screen

This is a work of fiction.

It's all a work of fiction, really. Those of you who've read the Lonesome Ninja Mayor know it is a Character blog - a journal of happenings in the soap opera that is the Little Ninja's life as the Mayor of Hale's Moon.

I have had a wonderful time writing it. Many of the stories though, are not my own. I am telling the happenings of the 'Verse. The shared campaign on SecondLife that encompasses half a dozen regions and dozens of characters. While I am, at least sometimes, the story coordinator for Hale's, my efforts go more towards keeping everyone else's stories straight and trying to fit them into a coherent whole than worrying about my own plot lines.

It's not easy.

But it IS fun.

This story is my own. It is pure fiction: a story that could happen in the 'Verse if we chose to let it. But it's not intended to be taken as something that will happen. If you know the Little Ninja, then you will know some of the characters. I am borrowing liberally from my friend's imaginations.

To you, I say thank you.

You inspired me.

I hope I can do your characters justice in the saga I'm going to attempt here.

This story was born out of a 'trapdoor' I wrote into Seana's background. A way to easily write her out of the campaign in such a way there would be closure - should I need it. Obviously, I haven't needed it. But this story has grown from that simple idea. It's been running around in my head form months, and now I will try and tell it.

I hope it reads well...


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